Round 10 of Growing Talent


Portico is proud to enter our third year and 10th round of recruitment with the Growing Talent programme, a holistic into work scheme enabling young and unemployed people to take steps to a great career.


We joined this fantastic initiative with our client who launched the programme with Jane James in 2014. In 2016, we have extended our partnership and implemented Growing Talent across our wider business.


Growing Talent enables us to nurture and grow our people, support young individuals taking their first steps into a career or unemployed individuals who need support to get back into the workplace. The programme requires significant engagement from the associate and investment from the employer and guarantees that 100% of those who complete the 12-week programme secure a permanent full-time job. What is equally refreshing is that it is open to 18s with no upper age limit.


We are really proud of the 19 associates that we have coached and supported into Portico since 2014. In January this year have offered placements for four associates and are just embarking on our 10th recruitment round this April. By the end of 2016, we plan to have welcomed a further 16 associates.


“At Portico, Growing Talent is all about investing in the next generation of our ‘Portico People’ and potential leaders who have that personal drive, determination, passion, confidence and ultimately the inner desire to deliver impeccable service!”


Simon Pratt
Managing Director