For National Telephonists’ Day on 10th March, we’re celebrating all of our capable and caring telecommunications workers within Portico.




From switchboard and call services to reception and helpdesk support, our people always deliver a reliable service for our clients, making sure their customers stay happy.


In such a fast-paced, Internet-focused world, it can seem easier to send a quick email than pick up the phone. But here at Portico we really value the personal touch of a phone call, and we think our clients and customers do too. According to DataKom, 47% of mobile users will call a competitor if they can’t locate your company phone number.


Aside from meeting face-to-face, making a phone call is the best way to build a bond with someone, helping to create a memorable and positive experience. We’ve put together this article to explain why we think telephone communication is still so important within business.


Rapid results


The chances are that when a customer wants to know something, they won’t get all the information they need through asking a single question. They’re likely to think of lots of further questions after they get their first answer, and will want more details to build a full picture.


If this exchange took place over email, it would require a long chain of back-and-forth messages, some of which may be delayed during busy periods. Our Portico people always prefer to have customer conversations over the phone, allowing them to respond to comments and questions as soon as they crop up.


This free-flowing, uninterrupted style makes reaching a solution much quicker and easier, and is ultimately more satisfying for customers.


A human approach


According to HubSpot, 48% of people would choose the telephone as their number one means of customer service. This might be because they find it difficult navigating online query forms, or simply because they prefer to hear a human voice.


Telecommunications workers don’t just use their words to communicate, they also use their tone of voice. This can make the difference between misunderstanding and reassurance, helping the customer to make a connection with the person, and with the company they represent.


Phone conversations also allow for small talk and follow-ups that email chains don’t, helping a rapport to build. Many of our Portico telephonists have shaped relationships with their customers over the phone, ensuring the feedback is always positive and that their customers remember them.


Convenient communicating


It’s estimated that an incredible 95% of households in the UK own a mobile phone, meaning that most of us are now contactable at any time. This suggests that the telephone is often the quickest and reliable communication method, as emails or instant messaging could be delayed by poor Internet connection.


Even if a customer is unable to reach someone via the phone, there’s always the backup option of leaving a voicemail, which can be followed up as soon as possible. This is a much better alternative than an email or online help form, as information can be given more easily and in a more detailed way.

Find out more about what our Portico people do.