It’s been 6 years since we began our partnership with Guide Dogs for the Blind. Back in 2014 we launched our commitment to raise £50,000 to cover the lifetime training and care cost for a guide dog for the blind or partially sighted people.

After 4 years of dedicated commitment to the charity from our amazing people and clients alike, in 2018 we reached our target and our Portico Puppy, Petra was born!

Last year Petra visited us at our support office in Gray’s Inn Road, London, as a puppy. This year in March, Petra was pencilled in to visit us one last time before entering the final stages of her training. Due to government restrictions, we unfortunately had to cancel our last visit with Petra. Although sad not to give our final goodbyes, we’re pleased to hear she has grown into a fully sized cleaver pooch! Guide Dogs for the Blind kindly shared with us a heart-warming video showcasing Petra’s development with thanks to Portico’s donations.

We were delighted to see that Petra’s performing excellently in her current puppy school. Her present owners Jenny and Russell express her abilities are growing from strength to strength and are extremely pleased with her progress.

In the next couple of months, Petra will be entering her last years of training school where she will learn all the final key skills to become a fully trained guide dog!