Supporting our people’s wellbeing at the workplace has always been important for us at Portico. Now, as we begin to navigate through the ‘new normal’, we have begun to think ‘outside of the box’ to deliver the tools our people need to manage their mental health and general wellbeing during these unpredictable times.

Last month we introduced a new segment in our weekly Portico:Connect emails focusing on ‘Healthy Living with Portico’. Over the past four weeks, we have provided tools surrounding wellbeing and mental health, through podcasts and video tutorials, expert advice and mental health training sessions, cooking classes and recipes along with at home workout programmes and challenges…just to name a few so far!

Alongside Healthy Living with Portico, our learning and development team have introduced digital training sessions, with a larger focus on the importance around these subjects. Our team also continue to deliver our original mental health focused training programmes including; Managing Pressures at Work, The Importance of a Positive Attitude and Handling Pressures at Home to name a few.

Our wellbeing support does not stop there! Our Portico social media channels have allowed us to keep connected with our people and share extra wellbeing activities and competitions. Just one example is our new Monday Mindfulness Instagram stories, where we share mindfulness tips each Monday from the art of meditation, nutritional studies, wind-down activities, yoga, online bootcamps and much more!