Our journey with the Heartbeat App began in 2020 when we wanted everyone at Portico to feel connected during the pandemic. Since then, we have evolved the purpose of Heartbeat to become a community where everyone’s voice can be heard.

Version 1 of Heartbeat was fantastic. In 2021 we won the UK Employee Experience Awards for ‘Best use of Technologies’ with our amazing communication initiatives. The recognition Heartbeat received was mind-blowing. But, we hate to stand still, and instead continue to be committed to keep investing in our people.

On February 1st, we launched version 2 of Heartbeat which evolves how our people communicate to a whole new level. Everyone has a voice. Everything is in one place. Heartbeat is now the space where everyone at Portico can communicate, and now gives our people the ability to share everything with their team and stay connected with the wider business wherever they may be.

Not only does Heartbeat allow our people to access our communications, news, events, forums, benefits, news and wellbeing from the palm of their hands, it’s also the new home to our people’s socials, group chats, people directory, reward and recognition, wider business tools, plus so much more fun stuff to play around with. Think Instagram meets Facebook plus add in a knowledgebase for “life at Portico”.

The analytics are already confirming it’s success with 98% employee engagement!

We are extremely excited to continue watching our Heartbeat grow and engage with our people.