In June we invited all our people to complete an online Diversity & Inclusion survey.

We did this in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. At the time we chose not to post company statements on the internet in response. Instead, we turned our attention internally and chose to take a good look at what we do currently and how we can do more in the future.

To achieve this, we asked our people for their help so that we could really understand how they felt about diversity and inclusion at Portico and identify opportunities to do things differently or better.

So many of our people completed our survey. In doing so we optionally asked our people to tell us if they fall into a BAME or LGBT group. 28% of our people confirmed that they fall into a BAME group and 16% confirmed their LGBT status.

We took away some very positive results from our survey and some great feedback from our people to help us grow.

The highlights:

96% agree that we treat everyone the same regardless of their gender, race or sexual orientation.

91% believe they are treated fairly at work regardless of their gender, race or sexual orientation.

94% of our people are comfortable talking about their background and cultural experiences at work.

80% of people confirmed that diversity & inclusion is one of our stated values and/or priority areas.

This is just the beginning for our ever-evolving Diversity and Inclusion journey. We are excited to get our D&I forum together to plan our future agenda which will include focused topics, guest talks by industry experts and personal insights.