To celebrate Portico’s 20th Birthday this month we are travelling back in time to 2004, when Portico was born!

20 years doesn’t seem old, but do you remember the way the city skyline looked? Can you recognise the City circa 2004? Portico is looking after hundreds of buildings across the UK, and has helped to build the spaces into what they are today.

As Portico serves a variety of sectors, from multi-tenanted buildings, to retail and residential buildings, we are fascinated to explore the transformation of office design in particular, and the important part guest services has played in this evolution.

The move towards more holistic and collaborative office spaces was only spearheaded by COVID, and has been evolving since the early 2000s. Now more than ever, a focus on hybrid working spaces, sustainability and integration of community is leading the evolution of modern day offices, and would not be a possibility without the people driving its force.

At Portico, we proudly partner with global leaders, entrusted to shape the journey for clients entering their offices and ensuring exceptional employee experiences. Without our people, these skyscrapers wouldn’t have the heart, and we are proud to have delivered service with heart across the nation for the past 20 years.