Today we have launched a new white paper, “Why floor captains are the key to the future workplace”. It explores the role of floor captains as part of the guest services offering and discusses the key elements of the role and the value it brings to the workplace.

Businesses today have to be prepared to respond to a variety of requirements. They need to consider how they can provide a working environment that allows employees to work effectively and access the tools and services they need easily. They need to create a community and deliver a sense of purpose for employees to ensure that the office is a place where they can succeed. Our new paper explains how floor captains are best placed to manage those challenges.

As the workplace has evolved, the office experience has become increasingly important and in the light of the coronavirus pandemic, we have seen much talk about the future of the office. As workplaces reopen, and people start to return in bigger numbers, terms like blended working, hybrid office, hub and spoke models are becoming more real. But the challenges that organisations face are the same. They need to ensure that their offices operate productively and efficiently while still meeting the needs and wants of the people who use them every day.

Our white paper explores how the office can deliver a “sense of purpose” and reason for employees, and how floor captains are best placed not only to help manage employee concerns and help businesses reopen in an effective and safe way, but also to create a welcoming community and provide a foundation for an organisations culture. In the paper we look at how Portico’s own floor captains bridge the gap between building services and customer care, how they build relationships with building users, and how they go the extra mile to ensure every customer is well looked after.

You can download the full paper here: Download Paper