As Portico enters the next chapter of lockdown, we have adopted a new online Learning and Development offering for our people.

We launched our new ‘Portico Develop’ online training programmes at the beginning of April. Portico Develop is a great new offering full of bite-size courses. Hosted by our Learning and Development Manager Victoria Craig, our sessions are welcome to all Portico people and are a fantastic opportunity to keeping our people engaged and learning during lockdown.

Since starting our Portico Develop, we have gained a community of almost nearly 1,000 people, that’s over 50 people per session! What a pleasure it has been for us, from sharing how we manage pressure, trying out techniques that support our resilience to building our knowledge of how Emotional Intelligence can be of benefit to ourselves and others, we’ve explored a variety of topics to use in both our personal and professional lives.

Outside of our digital learning we have been putting the finishes touches to our brand-new online Learning Management System (our LMS) which is accessible to all Portico people and is now the new home of our development pathways, our wider digital content for refresher training and our new 12-week onboarding journey.  The classroom will never be replaced at Portico as we love to collaborate, but we know that blended learning must be at the heart of our future development strategy.  Our LMS offers us this opportunity to provide online programmes, site-based training and classroom sessions all captured through a bespoke development roadmap for all our people.

We look forward to expanding our new Portico Develop platform and changing the way we deliver our L&D offering.